Members Auto is committed to creating a positive purchase experience for you that includes fair prices and quality vehicles. We not only help you find a new and used car that fits your specifications – make, model, color, unique features and more! We also buy used cars, offering a competitive purchase price in today’s market.
While Members Auto is a wholly owned subsidiary of Clark County Credit Union (CCCU), you are not required to be a member of the credit union to use our service. Membership is available if you have an interest in low-cost rates and payments.
Call today for details! 702-939-3115
A Members Auto Representative can meet you at the following CCCU branch locations:
2625 N. Tenaya, Las Vegas 89128 (Tenaya/Smoke Ranch)
9311 W Sunset Rd, Las Vegas 89148
1425 E. Windmill, Las Vegas 89123 (at I-215)
6120 N. Decatur, N. Las Vegas 89031 (Next to Las Vegas Athletic Club)